Legal Declaration and Privacy Policy


We are committed to protecting the personal information and privacy of users (you) and would like to provide you with a brief overview of how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. This overview is an introduction to the FULI+ Privacy Policy, please refer to the full text after the overview.

How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information


Basic Transaction Information

When you purchase products and/or services through the FULI+ website, you should provide us with your basic transaction information (including recipient’s name, mailing address, contact number, payment information, etc.) to complete the transaction.

Registration Information

When you register as a member, you should provide your mobile number and login password to create a member account. You also have the option to complete relevant identifying information (such as birthday).


Purpose of Use: If you are an iOS device user, we will collect your camera information with your authorization in order to provide you with functions related to taking photos, including consulting experts for support.

Information Provided by You During Your Use

Purpose of Use: In the process of using FULI+ products/services, we will collect your voluntary personal information according to the use scenario, so as to achieve the functions you nee.

Information Description: We will request you to provide the corresponding information according to the specific scenario. We will also protect your personal information in strict accordance with the law. For example, when you register a member account, you can provide your birthday and other personal information which will help us to provide you with better service. However, if you do not provide such information, it will not affect the basic functions of most of our products/services.

Privacy Policy


How We Entrust Handling or Share Your Personal Information

Some of the products/services we provide cannot be completed independently, so we may share or entrust third parties to handle some of your personal information. At present, the main situations involved in such sharing or entrusted processing include: providing necessary information at the request of administrative, judicial and other competent authorities; providing necessary payment information to relevant partners, third-party merchants and payment institutions. We will sign strict information protection and confidentiality agreements with them, requiring them to comply with the agreement and take relevant security measures to protect your personal information.

How You Exercise Your Rights as the Subject of Personal Information

You have the right to exercise your rights as the subject of personal information, including querying, copying, correcting, and deleting your account information, address information and search records. You are supposed to change the scope of your authorized consent or revoke authorization, as well as cancel your account.

How to Contact Us

You can contact us through the following methods, and we will provide a response within 5-7 working days after receiving your request:

1.Contact us through information provided in the “Contact Us” section on the FULI+ website, mobile applications and other channels.

2.Send an email to our personal information protection contact email: